Everything You Need to Know About Acne

June is Acne Awareness Month and we’re coming in hot with the best tips and tricks from our licensed estheticians to keep your skin clear all year round!

If you’re here and struggling with acne- you’re not alone. Nearly 50 million Americans are affected with acne each year, according to the American Academy of Dermatology. It can occur at any stage of life and have an influx of contributing factors such as hormones, genetics, lifestyle factors, gut health, diet and so much more. With a complex and multi factorial condition like acne, it’s crucial to work with someone who understands the full approach to treating acne from the root. If you haven’t worked with an esthetician, you’re in the right place.


The changes you make now will promote healthier skin over time with consistency and the right product formulations for your skin.

Here are the steps we suggest to get you on track:

1. Take the SkinForYou Quiz. In matter of 5 minutes you can send over your concerns, budget, and product preferences to a real life educated licensed esthetician. We aim to get back to you within 24-48 hours since we aren’t an AI bot and take time diving into your specific needs and concerns 😉

2. You’ll receive an email from your esthetician along with product recommendations that will suit your needs. Keep an eye on your email for a separate link to connect on our free mobile app as well!

3. Download the SkinForYou app using the link your esthetician emailed you. By doing it this way, you’ll reduce the need to search for your estie on the platform. From the app you can see when and how to use your new routine, chat your esthetician whenever you have a question, record your daily skin diary along with pictures, earn reward points to cash in for FREE goodies, connect with a local esthetician for services in your area, fill out skin questionares and so much more!

4. Order your new routine & receive your new skin care package! We are SO excited to be a part of your skin care journey. By staying connencted on the app, especially if you’re ANYWHERE in the US since virtual care is one of our expertise, you can always connect with your very own esthetician on questions about your products. After all, we’re here for YOU!

Be sure to sign up for our e-newsletter if you haven’t already to receive 15% off your first purchase with us! That welcome offer will be in your product recommendations, so keep your eyes peeled for that.

The first personalized skin care app designed to connect you to a licensed professional

If you’ve tried everything and anything under the sun for your acne, and you haven’t tried working with an esthetician – just know there is hope! You can sent us an email with any questions you have directly to [email protected] in regards to getting started, or simply connect via the quiz.

~ Melissa, LE